From the 20th to the 22nd of March 2013 the representatives of the different partner organisations of the project MOVE met together on the Spanish city of Seville, home city of the coordinating organisation of the project. As this was the last time on which all the partners coincided, the meeting was used to complete the last steps and materials related to the project in order to achieve all the objectives set at the begining of this initiative of collaboration in september 2011.
Moreover, the meeting was used to visit local institutions working on international mobility and promoting European citizenship as a tool to improve the employment and learning of those interested on improving their skills through both, formal and non formal education.
This was the agenda of the meeting:
Day 1 (20/03/2013)
- Arrival of participants.
Day 2 (21/03/2013)
Meeting on the Civic Center “El Tejar del Mellizo” for working (a public center on which Asociación Gantalcalá develops part of its projects for adult education). After welcoming the participants, all the representatives of the different partner organisations worked on the last steps of the project:
- Final report: work on the formal application and go through it in order to check all that must be done:
a) Evaluation systems for materials.
b) To reinforce the networks and links related to public institutions.
- Final results to be completed and its evaluation:
a) Blog and social networks.
b) Catalogue of stories.
c) Catalogue of good practices to promote employment.
d) Toolkit (included on the blog).
- Strategy for the dissemination of results.
- Compilation of materials used during the project.
- Meeting about future cooperations and potential projects together (partners proposals).
- Other discussion/tasks proposed by partners.
- Informal encounter with the members of the associatition of adults of "El Tejar el Mellizo" with previous experience on the Grundtvig programme through past mobilities in different projects.
Day 3 (22/03/2013)
Visit to local institutions and public administrations:
- Visit to project CO-LABORA: project of the University of Seville to promote youth employability.
- Visit to Oficina de Información Europea del Joven Sevillano (European Information Office for the Sevillian Youth): information point coordinated by the municipality of Seville for youth people who want to participate on international mobility projects.
- Visit to Centro de Documentación Europea de la Universidad de Sevilla (European Documentation Center of the University of Sevilla): Information point for European issues.
- Visit to the monuments of Seville: In the afternoon participants had the chance of visiting some of the most important monuments of the city (Plaza de España, Torre, Cathedral, Torre del Oro, etc.).
Day 4 (23/03/2013)
- Departure of participants.