Sunday, September 15, 2013


The coordinating organisation of MOVE (Gantalcalá) and the main coordinator of the project in Spain (David Castillo) met the team of the Leonardo da Vinci project "Effective Inclusion" in order to share the results of both projects and disseminate them.

David Castillo (left) chief coordinator of MOVE and the
 representatives of EFFECTIVE INCLUSION
Effective inclusion is Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. In the framework of partnerships small-scale cooperation activities between organizations working in the field of vocational education and training ("VET") can be implemented.

During the period of two years between September 2011 and August 2013 three European partner organizations involves in the partnership - Brandenburgische Sportjugend (Germany), Gantalcala (Spain) and Everything is Possible (UK) - agreed to develop Guidelines for Sending and Hosting Organizations of trainees with fewer opportunities. The focus was to define common standards for the Sending and Hosting organization in order to provide quality support for and tackle specific challenges and problems of trainees with fewer opportunities before, during and after the traineeship. Recommendations and suggestions of trainees, volunteers, their mentors, tutors and responsible staff members and co-workers were gathered through sharing of good practice examples between the partner organizations over the period of 11 international meetings. It was decided to investigate and improve VET-opportunities available to trainee target group in each of the partner areas and endeavor to develop a better service for these learners with fewer opportunities. The partnership was used to define for hosting and sending organizations the support that is necessary to give to the target group in order to make the VET opportunities more successful for each of the involved. Even if all the partners are experienced in working with the target group there is nevertheless a different approach of working in the international context.

Besides Guidelines, an Annexes document with set of forms supporting Guidelines has been created and contains Trainee Application Form, Trainee Support Worker Form, Check-list for preparation, Traineeship Evaluation Form and Europass Mobily tool as a good instrument for evaluation of the project. These forms will allow organisations to define more concrete, on individual needs based and qualitative support for the person with fewer opportunities and improve the quality of their projects during the traineeships. In addition to Guidelines also VET opportunities Catalogue was created with the purpose to collect the descriptions of potential VET opportunities and learning possibilities for trainees in partner countries. The descriptions were created after visiting potential local VET placements in partner countries and define the main goals, working areas, summary and benefits of the traineeship. As the last, the Blog was created in order to inform the general public and all interested organizations about the project, its aim and goals, involved partners, progress of the partnership and reached outcomes during international mobilities.

In general the partnership underlined the special relationship between the partner organizations that are based on the long term cooperation, mutual trust, reliability and common inclusion goals.

The results and outcomes of the partnership are available for the general public in the Effective Inclusion Blog: